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About me

International & multicultural life

•I was born and raised in France, and my ancestry hails from the Caribbean islands of Guadeloupe, Martinique, and Dominica, with British and African roots. After completing my schooling, I moved to the United Kingdom, then to Australia, and finally settled in the Netherlands for 15 years before recently moving to La Reunion island in the Indian Ocean.

My pain is my gift

•From a young age, I have been a source of emotional support for my family and loved ones, and I possess a resilient, fighting spirit. I often quote, "Your pain is your gift," as I have faced many challenges arising from unfamiliar cultures and experiences.

Multitalented & multipassionate

•After leaving a traditional career as a recruiter where I felt undervalued and overwhelmed, I discovered the power of my unique personality and journey, which has helped me in my role as a certified career and leadership coach. With a background in graphic design, social sciences, human resources, training, and facilitation, I bring a multitalented approach to my coaching.

Diverse clients

•Since 2014, I have supported hundreds of individuals and organizations around the world with my unconventional, intense, and unique coaching style. I am a firm believer in celebrating diversity and embracing contradictions, challenging my clients to turn their visions into reality and embrace their unique differences.


•Multies is the natural progression of my professional journey, combining my extensive international coaching, recruitment, and diversity experience with my warm, empathetic, sensitive, challenging, and visionary coaching approach.

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What our clients have to say about our programs

Nina B.

Previous Human Thermal Environments, now a Doula and Childbirth educator

Slovenian national who has lived in the Netherlands and the Switzerlands

“Even if being the one that had always known where she will be, what she will do tomorrow, the day came when the old lost its meaning, its magic. The questions, such as, what legacy I want to leave behind, started to pop-up in my mind. Clearly, the time has come to reinvent myself professionally. Through coaching by Magali, I have reinvented myself not only professionally, but more importantly, personally. Being a scientist Magali’s analytical thinking was crucial to me, however, her ability to understand my heart was what essentially propelled me into a whole new direction. She gently guided me to explore, whom I want to be, what life I want to live, how to fall in love with my ideas and how to mold the ideas into a future career. In the span of two months, I have gone from "I have no idea what I want" to the "I have clearly defined a future career". It is an empowering feeling when you are a highly educated expat, that juggles among the drive to have a meaningful career, family of two young boys and own need to lose herself outdoors. Working with Magali had shown me that it is possible to create a future career where balance among all above is truly possible. .”

Isabel M.

Research manager & expat relocating around the world

Spanish national who  has lived in Rwanda, Senegal and The USA

“ I have worked with Magali for the last two months. She has been an asset in my professional career. She has helped me understand my needs and helped me to create the tools to achieve my goals. She is very knowledgeable about expat lives and professional needs. She has always been flexible on my needs and always made me feel that I was her most important client. I feel it was worth it and the return on the financial and time investment is huge.”

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